ok, so let's recap the actual order of finish, (the order i predicted), and the "Magic Dice":
1. Eman (9) "7"
2. Cathy (7) "5"
3. Eitan (3) "1"
4. Jane (8) "8"
5. Simon (1) "12"
6. Bill (2) "6"
7. Bob (11) "2"
8. 240 (10) "4"
9. Kent (5) "3"
10. Sean (4) "11"
11. John (6) "9"
i apologize to the following for not giving you enough respect...Eman, Cathy, Jane, Bob and 240.
i expected more from these folks and am disappointed by how they played...Bill, Kent, Sean & John.
the game started out with a bang! On the 8th hand we had our first casualty when John checked-shoved a 4s 6s 9h flop. Eman earlier in the hand check-raised Kent's flop bet only to see John make his move. Eman knew he was up against a draw but did eventually make the all-in call with the nuts, pocket 9s. John tabled 2s 3s and the board came brick-brick for John and Eman virtually doubled up right out of the chute. John expired in 11th
a little while later Sean took his pockets 7s up against Bill who (i think) flopped top pair and called the all-in. i didnt actually see the hand so i dont know the way it played out. if i am wrong ill make the change later. Sean exited in 10th
it took some time before we lost our next player. Kent engaged in some butt-play with AK but Eman who had limped UTG with pocket 10s re-popped him to virtually put Kent all-in and of course he called. the flop came out with a 10 and when a Q hit the turn Kent was looking for some river love but no J arrived. Kent was out in 9th
240 was nursing the short stack for a while but managed to hang in there for quite a well. eventually 240 shoved in all-in with A9 but was called down by Eitan and his AT. the board came A-2-5-2-brick and the nicest man on the planet was mortally wounded in 8th.
after 240's exit the next 3 players went out in quick succession.
Bob was eliminated by someone (i forget who sniped him)
Bill's K9 was terminated by Simon's JT
Simon was rudely shown the door shortly afterwards when his AT did not improve vs Eman's AQ. Simon will not invite Eman to his next birthday party.
Jane took the bubble honour in the only bad beat Eman laid on someone. in a battle on the blinds the flop came out A-J-brick. Eman came out firing with his J4 thinking Jane would have raise preflop with an Ace. When Jane announced "all-in" Eman was confused but figured his J was the best pair and made the call. he was surprised to see Jane table AT and commented on how well she played the hand but was even more surprised when a J fell on the river to send Jane to the rail. RIP Jane Quennell in 4th, bubble girl.
Eman would end up eliminating the last 4 players on the night. Simon, Jane, Eitan and Cathy.
3-handed the play was short on flops but when we did see a flop the pots were big! Cathy went on a bit of an all-in fest to accumulate chips and watched when Eitan got them all-in with pocket 7s. Eman had a relatively easy call with pocket 10s and hit a needless 10 on the river to secure a 3rd place finish. for Eitan. Simon correctly predicted a 3rd place finish for Eitan so that means Simon is a poker genius.
Heads-up Eman had roughly 75% of the chips vs Cathy and they played for about 20 minutes before the final confrontation occurred. Cathy put her life on the line with A6 but Eman quickly called with AJ. when a J hit the flop it looked bleak for Cathy. however the turn gave her an out for the straight but it didnt show up. Cathy took home another top 3 finish.
all in all it was a good night even though it took a while to finish. i was dog tired at the end of it all and didnt get to sleep in either! see you all next time