Tuesday, May 13, 2008

a new post

even though it has been a while since the last post, the games have continued to roll. my laptop is not a reliable place for me to log into blogger anymore so its a little harder to get posts up. my desktop computer works with everything fine but its ridiculously slow and not my first choice when i use the internet. having said that, i finally got to using the dinosaur for this post.

this week at the FCPC we have the good ole cash game returning. this is the 3rd time we've run this game and the previous 2 have both been very fun. the crew that has already confirmed looks to be a nice mix of players...im really looking forward to this game

next week, May 23rd we are introducing a new(ish) game to the FCPC. although we have run ONE PLO game in the past this PLO game is gonna be quite a bit donkier...its a rebuy!

$10 PLO tourney with $5 rebuys and an optional double addon for $10. i expect a single table group or this game but i also expect the rebuys to be retardedly high. i for one will probably break the record for rebuys or have a ridiculous stack by the addon break

i dont know which game i am more looking forward to?

the FCPC site will go through some renovations of the pictures page soon. many of the pics there are quite old and feature Fagelakis when he used to play. he now lives in Baltimore with Crazy D but hopefully those 2 greek boys will return for some live action this year...who knows.

one last note, my good friend 240 finally made it into the mney this past week. i reckon its been a year (or more) since he won at the FCPC. he has been close a number of times and i was absolutely delighted when the "sexy beast" cracked the top 3. probably he would have won the whole thing but the final 3 chose to do some kind of chop so we could bust open the cash game chips for a mini game. he is too nice to these chumps

see you friday!