Wednesday, December 24, 2008
Monday, December 08, 2008
4 on the river
JV, two to my right, raised it up. i dont recall the amounts but i knew i could make the call and score a lot more chips if i hit the flush. turn was an offsuit 3 giving me a few extra straight cards.
JV makes a significant bet here, around 5500, and i now really have to decide if the first hand is worth making a semi-loose call...i folded.
river was the 2s completing the flush had i gone that far. i certainly would have crippled John and the cries of "i hate this place!" would have be ringing throughout the room. that would have been sweet.
my time in this game was short as i was the 2nd one out but it wasnt without fireworks. the first hand vs JV was juicy and the next big pot vs Bill was juicier albeit with the same result, i lost it.
i raised with AsTs and got one caller in the BB, Bill. flop was T67. i was almost-min-check-raised by Bill but decided his short stack was worth getting all in so i jammed. Bill would min-check-raise with any Ten here so i figured i could be good. nope! he had Td6d
turn and river bricked for me and i lost a lot of my stack but was still around 11,000 of the original 30,000 with 300/600 blinds
i went out not too long afterwards when i jammed UTG with AJ and got a reluctant but gambling call from Jane with one of my favourite hands, 4h2h. an all club flop included a 4 but my Jc gave me a lot of outs. a Jack on the turn put me way ahead until the case 4 screwed me on the river (Kent said he folded the other 4). it was a funny way to lose and the table erupted with laughter. standard FCPC shenanigans at play .
Grant eventually took down the tourney while Jane and Kent chopped the 2nd place money and the final bounty (Kent) cash.
next week im thinking DEEPStack...watch out!
Wednesday, December 03, 2008
I have registered to play in the PokerStars World Blogger Championship of Online Poker!
This PokerStars tournament is a No Limit Texas Hold’em event exclusive to Bloggers.
Registration code: 302655
Monday, November 24, 2008
SuperStack Aftermath
i had almost half of the ~900,000 chips in play when we were 6 handed but went totally and completely card dead for the next hour or so. as much as i was getting shalacked from the rail for not playing aggressively enough i found it difficult to defend with hands i should be doubling down with nevermind re-raising or defending. in retrospect, i suppose its irrelevant what my cards are, i should just re-raise anyway because i am the bigstack, but the flipside is that i could lose more that way and i think i chose to coast into the money and let the smaller guys duke it out.
it didnt quite work out the way i thought it would.
John and Alex went down in blazes of glory when a truly awesome hand developed 6-handed
Andre (new guy, friend of Ryan) and his brother Will were the other players at this point with myself and Eman. Anyway here is how it went...
Andre limps UTG, Will folds, Eman folds, JV pops it up to 4xBB or so, Alex in the SB jams, i fold.
Andre then jams and JV does the same.
up and over:
Alex: 44
Andre: AA
Alex tries to squeeze but runs into 2 unfoldable hands.
flop is A-4-A, your standard flopped Quads.
Andre had the same stack as JV and Alex was covered by both so now we are down to 4 and Andre finds new life after treading water for a while.
this is where i go fold, fold, fold, fold fold, fold, fold.........fold, fold, fold, fold.......rail cheeses me........fold, fold, oh AK!!! raise.....fold, fold, fold.......
then im shortstack!
blinds are monstrous now 5,000/10,000 - 3,000ante
i win with A5 vs Andre's 33 and i quickly get into 2nd place. thats how volatile the hands were, you could win or lose a hand and vault to the chiplead without seeing the turn or fall down to critical.
Eman unfortunately was the bubble boy when he had to jam his final hand in vs Will's JJ.
3 handed i was doing ok until i saw Will rekuctantly call form the SB with 35o. i should have raised but i didnt with J9
flop was 3-J-3 and i figured i had the best hand and eventually went broke. he turned a boat too!
i collected $200 for 3rd. brothers Will and Andre split the remaining $1000
all in all a great game, good structure and the usual great banter from JV.
as far as my predictions go, we had 4 late joiners so im happy i was able to get 1/3 correct. Bill was first out after playing 110% of the flops at our table.
next SuperStack in 2009! see you then
Friday, November 21, 2008
SuperStack #3
currently we only have 8 players involved but i have a sense we may get up to 10 by game time.
the SuperStack is our highest buy-in game usually of $150. however, for this game it's a $120 buy-in with $20 bounties on everyone just to spice it up a bit. blinds run at 40 minute intervals and as usual there will be plenty of time and chips to make plays without screwing yourself up.
$120 buy-in
40 minute blinds, starting at 100-200
75,000 starting stack
there should be no arguments about the setup, its designed to make you feel very comfortable.
so, who will make the money? always a tough thing to predict but nevertheless i will take a shot.
assuming we start with these 8 players: simon - jv - grant - bill - ryan - alt delete - bob - frenchie
money finishers: SIMON (of course) - BILL - JV
Simon - i cant go against myself in this field of spewers and donaters. ive figured out most of these chumps by now and i figure i can find a few spots to milk Bill and AltDelete and Frenchie and Grant and JV and maybe Bob. i expect no worse than 3rd
Bill - this is a bit of a gamble because he will either be first out or he'll get to the money. there is no middle ground with Bill as he proved once again last week. when he gets short he always seems to find a way to double up huge and get comfortable again. i think his lack of "simon knowledge" will be his undoing somewhere along the lines though. Bill likes to think he is "simon-smart" (like he can figure me out) but we all know otherwise, ill trap his ass so good he will have no choice but to pay the master off
JV - this is a total 649 ticket. im gambling hard here! this guy talks the talk but cant seem to walk the walk. this week i have a funny feeling he might just squeak in there. his recent form and style of spewage doesnt really lend itself to making money in poker but every blind squirrel finds a nut at some point...right?
good luck to everyone, this game is going to be FUN!
Monday, November 17, 2008
Results of Nov 14
The Professor took a chop for 2nd ($160) and we were done at 12:15am.
A few hands of note:
a shortstacked Bill finds 99 in the BB and re-raises all-in vs Kerry Lee who happens to have opened the action with AA. before the flop is even dealt JV moves the chips towards Bill and says "Here you go Bill" assuming of course that Bill will find a way to stave off elimination
the flop comes: 3-6-9...standard
Bill survives and rides the roller coaster all the way to 3rd place.
I have 18BB left and jam KJss in the SB vs Bill who instacalls with A5 (the special Ace though)
flop: K-J-5 turn: Q river: blanks
whew, i survive!
not much else i can think of this late after the game. if you can think of any hands worth mentioning lemme know
Friday, November 14, 2008
Let's do a prediction
here is the lineup:
* Simon - JV - Jane - Alex - Bill - Julia - Dave - KerryLee - Eman - The Professor - Grant *
top 3 (in any order):
Simon (of course)
i have a $20 bet with JV for the first person eliminated. if either of us is eliminated first then $20 changes hands
is the blog back?
Tuesday, May 13, 2008
a new post
this week at the FCPC we have the good ole cash game returning. this is the 3rd time we've run this game and the previous 2 have both been very fun. the crew that has already confirmed looks to be a nice mix of players...im really looking forward to this game
next week, May 23rd we are introducing a new(ish) game to the FCPC. although we have run ONE PLO game in the past this PLO game is gonna be quite a bit donkier...its a rebuy!
$10 PLO tourney with $5 rebuys and an optional double addon for $10. i expect a single table group or this game but i also expect the rebuys to be retardedly high. i for one will probably break the record for rebuys or have a ridiculous stack by the addon break
i dont know which game i am more looking forward to?
the FCPC site will go through some renovations of the pictures page soon. many of the pics there are quite old and feature Fagelakis when he used to play. he now lives in Baltimore with Crazy D but hopefully those 2 greek boys will return for some live action this year...who knows.
one last note, my good friend 240 finally made it into the mney this past week. i reckon its been a year (or more) since he won at the FCPC. he has been close a number of times and i was absolutely delighted when the "sexy beast" cracked the top 3. probably he would have won the whole thing but the final 3 chose to do some kind of chop so we could bust open the cash game chips for a mini game. he is too nice to these chumps
see you friday!
Sunday, April 27, 2008
Cash Game Extravaganza!
"You know, I realized how much I missed this place the past 2 weeks, I am happy to be back playing here."
John Veltheer
that pretty much confirms that all the stuff that spews from his mouth when he is playing with is is pure crap.
now, on to the game.
we had 14 players show up for our 2-table 7 handed cash game.
my table started with Bill, John, Eman, Sean, Joanne and Milner.
table #2 had Karl, Jane, Winston, Hondro, Hondro's friend, George and Julia.
here are some highlights from hands i saw at our table.
nothing of note was happening with until i got involved in a hand with Joanne and Milner. Joanne made a button raise to $4, Milly called in the SB and i did too in the BB.
flop was 5-3-2 rainbow
i had flopped top 2 pr with my standard 53 offsuit and saw Milly lead out at the pot for $15. now, with a button raise and both blinds completing it is usual for the blinds to be holding random suited panthers or small pockets. to see Michael lead out here did make me think he had a set or perhaps was betting a straight here to see what Joanne would do. i chose to just call the $15 because if Joanne had a big pair she would raise and i could then see what Michael would do.
Joanne did raise to $30 and in my head i knew she had an overpair, i thought JJ+. the scary part though was "what was Michael going to do?" usually in this spot i would expect him to reraise if he could beat 1pr so seeing him just call Joanne's raise gave me the feeling he did not flop a set or a straight. if Michael had raised i would have had a hard decision to make. since he didnt raise i chose to jam the rest of my stack in and pretty much tell them both i had a big hand
the pot had $12 preflop + $75 from Joanne, Milly and my flop bets. i called the $15 to make it $102 in the pot and my raise was $99 more.
Joanne tanked for about 45 seconds and decided to call. Milly folded what would have been the eventual winning hand.
turn was a 7
river was a 2
i knew the 2 pairing the board fcuked me hard and i probably had a look on my face like i just ate a sour lemon. Joanne said "53 no good anymore?" --- i tabled the 53 and she flipped over pocket Tens for the better 2 pair.
Milly folded QQ when Joanne called my raise
i had to hit the bank machine after this hand and as i was heading there i thought about how she could make that call. i know i want her to call but why would she? she had to know she was behind...right? whatever the case, i was broke and now had to try and get back to even.
i re-bought for $100.
a BIG pot developed between Bill and John
John makes a pf raise and Bill calls along with someone else. flop is Q high, 3 diamonds. Bill has flopped the 2 nut low flush baby with the 3d4d!
checked to Bill who fires out $25 or $30. John raises another $100, Bill jams, John calls.
in this game its not required to show your cards so when the river brings a 4th diamond John looks disgusted and asks "awww crap, do you have the Ad?" i assumed John had a hand like KK with the Kd and Bill got fcuked. i think Bill thought he was done too and showed the 4 flush. John's face did not appear to show any signs of relief when he saw Bill's hand so it was clear the flush was good. i dont know what John had but Bill raked in the pot and was sitting pretty!
later, i had run my $100 up to around ~$110 when Sean, Me and Bill got busy in another big pot
Sean raised to $3 preflop and pretty much everyone called. i called with 8d9d
flop came K high, 2 diamonds.
Sean bets out for $19 and i call, Bill calls
turn is a black Queen, all of us check.
now, at this point i figure Sean had something he didnt wanna risk more $$ with because he would protect AK here or AA...i thought the K scared him a bit. Bill on the other hand is impossible to put on a hand because he plays a WIDE variety of shit. more shit than me!
when the river brought the Td the whole table knew someone "got there"
my thoughts here was that my hand was good. but with Bill and Sean left to act after me i kinda felt i could represent i hand a very marginal hand i just wanted to show down...with the intention of calling any bluff/bet on the river. so i checked my flush
Bill bet $25.
Sean was next and after 30 seconds he jams his stack, another ~$125!
WTF is going in here?! i have the flush and i see a bet and a shove! "god dammit" im thinking, how can i possibly be good? then i realize Sean isnt shoving here when its obvious me and Bill were drawing to something. when the flush completes why is he jamming without the nuts?
i took about 2 minutes to think and decided i wasnt throwing in my last ~$75 kinda knowing im beat...i folded. Milly and Joanne saw my hand and my look of resignation when i tossed it away.
Bill folded and Sean showed Ad3d for the nuts...good fold daddy!
still, i was losing more money and i couldnt find a groove. i was worried i would blow this stack and be forced to sit out the rest of the night! i didnt want to do that
i borrowed $60 from Dr Fag and got my stack topped up a bit, enough to make plays and win a decent hand should i need to get it all in again.
the biggest cooler hand of this night award goes to Bill, check out this hand:
Sean raises to $31 (was this a mistake or not?) Bill calls from the SB with TT
flop is T-3-2 Bill has flopped the stone cold nuts baby!
Bill checks, Sean bets out small - $15, Bill calls
Bill could raise here but i like the call too. If Sean has an overpair the pot will still get juicy.
turn is a Queen
now, Bill fires out $30 or $35 ( i forget) Sean insta-jams! Bill insta-calls!
i stood up and asked Sean, "you made a set of Queens didnt you?" i asked this because i knew what Bill had preflop and knew Sean wouldnt jam with AA or KK here unless he was totally sure he had the best hand.
Sean shows QQ for a turned set
Bill shows TT for the flopped set
holy power cooler Batman, the pot was over $700!! that was nasty!
i will have more to come including a hand i got involved in vs Joanne and one vs Julia...and i won them both!
Saturday, April 19, 2008
JGB, Pay them their money!
Grant $180
Bill $100
The same 3 who placed on April 4th place again this week. Joanne and Grant changed positions and Bill scooped 3rd place money once again.
Milner and I played a few $5 PLO games while waiting for the main event to end and we also played with Julia in a high stakes $10 tournament with THE WINNER TAKING ALL OF THE MONEY! that was a stressful game!
more to come when i have time and when i get the winner's picture of Joanne from Milner
Saturday, April 12, 2008
Ladies Night
the two ladies were taking turns winning massive pots vs each other but neither could deliver the knockout blow until just before midnight. Julia had just survived being all in when her miracle 9 hit on the river when she doused Jane's hopes winning with KT vs Jane's Q8.
again this alternate room we have used had some magic remaining. on four occasions we have played in the room and every time we have a game there quads have shown up. its absolutey ridiculous that our games went on a year long run without seeing quads and now in the span of 6 weeks we have had at least 7 or 8 four-of-a-kind hands.
tonight it was Althalee's turn to make quad 6's vs Sean...again. Sean has been the victim of the quads at least 3 times...maybe 4 times.
final payouts:
Julia $260 + $15 bounty from Jane
Jane $120 +$30 bounty on Tom and $15 split bounty on herself
Saturday, April 05, 2008
"White Spot" Grant, FREE SHAKES!!
Unbelievably, Grant didnt get pocket 2s all night long so there was no "IM ALL IN BABY!" heard from him. What Grant did do was gather a healthy stack pretty early on and coast the rest of the way to take down his first DEEPStack title.
Yours truly was next to go. i had TC102,000 with blinds at 5,000/10,000 and looked at 99. i jammed and Joanne quickly called with AK. a god-damned Ace on the turn was all she wrote for me and i had another out of the money finish ending up in 5th spot.
Bubble time! And of course 240 couldnt make it in. he never gets into the money and thats too bad because he is a nice big cuddly teddy bear. once again as well, "Ken Leeeee" was what 240 decided to run with but when Bill called and showed KJ the big cuddly teddy bear was looking for a little 7 love. unfortunately for him it did not arrive and out in 4th was 240.
now we are in the money!
Grant and Joanne were leading at this point (i think) and Bill would have to battle hard to oust them for the title. too bad for Bill he flopped top pair vs Grant on a Qxx board. Bill went All-In after a bet a raise and another raise. again Grant had to think about this call because he had limped in the SB with AA. he did call and Bill displayed Q3--> top pair no kicker. no help for Bill meant he secured $140 for third place and we were heads up!
it didnt take long to end it. rather than explain here is a picture of the hand.
Grant had 96...Joanne had 73...ALL-IN on the flop
(the flop starts on the right and the river is the card on the far left)
Grant hits the river 9 to win DEEPStack 14!
FREE SHAKES NEXT WEEK!!! (i like chocolate Mr Quail)
Friday, April 04, 2008
DEEPStack 14 Preview

the ladies are in full effect tonight as 4 chicks will be playing in DS14. never before have we had so much estrogen in the game. will that lead to another female champion or will the power of man overwhelm and come on top again?
here is the lineup in order of predicted finish:
Tuesday, April 01, 2008
The Truth Hurts
----- Original Message -----
From: 'simon heald'
To: Fuel55
----- Original Message -----
From: Fuel55
To: 'simon heald'
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 6:32 PM
Subject: RE: DEEPStack 14 lineup is set
I have no chance
From: simon heald [mailto:sjktrash@shaw.ca]
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2008 6:25 PM
To: 240; Althalee; Grant; Eitan Even; Julia; John V; Joanne; Jane; Bill
Subject: DEEPStack 14 lineup is set
here is the group:
Sunday, March 30, 2008
The worst hand is good!
but, thats poker.
Sean found a way to dodge a few bullets himself on his way to the JV Special victory, read his account of his play here.
the first person knocked out would be none other than the man who created the structure, John. kinda sad that in the John V Special he would be the first one gone, but lemme tell you, it was probably the worst suckout of the evening...
let's recap the hand from John's blog:
FCPC home game. Level 1, blinds T25/25. Stacks at T7000.
Fuel open raises to T100 with QQ
Bob calls from LP
Matt calls from BB
Flop: QJ5
Matt leads T200, I call, Bob calls.
Turn: K
Matt leads very small (T150)
I raise another T500
Bob calls
Matt calls.
Fawk, one of these doucheballs has T9.
River: 5
Nice. Now it's time to take these straight-drawing donkeys to valuetown.
Matt checks
I bet T1000
Bob raises to T3200.
Matt folds.
I shove.
Bob instacalls. Of course he has 55.
Jesus fawk! Out in level 1 two weeks runnings.
thats pretty gross!
later i would be destroyed by a similarily disgusting display from the poker gods:
Final Table (11 players) blinds 200/400
i call Todd Brunson's (Vin) raise to 1000, Brad calls, a few other callers too
i have 77
flop: 267 sweeeeeeeet!
Brad is first to act and he immediately announces "im all in"
all fold to me, of course i call
Brad shows 78 and grimaces when he sees my cards
but wait Bradley G, lets remember who you are! you lay the worst beats on Earth
turn: 5
river: 9
buh-bye Simon! i saw it coming when the turn 5 hit so i couldnt help but laugh my way to the "loser's" table where a sweet little $20 tourney had just started.
is poker fun or is poker rigged? you decide
DEEPStack next week!
Tuesday, March 25, 2008
The Limp-Call, strongest play in poker
Saturday, March 15, 2008
This DEEPStack had QUADS baby!
the game started off with a BANG when, on the 3rd hand of the night, Jane was crippled. the action starts when John raises preflop to 300. Jane calls and destiny leads her down a dark path of destruction. we all started the evening with TC25,000
the flop: K-5-6
John leads out for about 1200 (i think there were other players seeing the flop too)
Jane raises to 4000
John re-bangs another 8000...things are getting juicy! Jane calls
turn: K
John bets, Jane calls. i forget the amount
river: 6
Jane says "just check it John, you've got a K i have a K" so John shoves for ~8,000
Jane calls and flips up AK for a boat
John proudly display 66
the room erupts because we havent seen quads in ages and that was a sick turn and river. jesus what a start to the night...but wait, it kept on coming.
i think within the next 30 minutes we lost Jane when her limped AK hit the A-5-6 flop but when she shoved Joanne called with the A5 and sent Jane to her demise. a cruel and unnecessary punishment for the Queen of the FCPC. THOSE WERE QUADS BABY!!!!!
not too long after that, roughly an hour or so, the mega-cooler hand of the year came.
Eitan limped, I limped then 2 doors down Sean raises to 1200 and Joanne, one of two bigger stacks, calls on the button. Eitan and i fold
flop is 8-8-5
Sean leads out for 1200 or something and Joanne calls after a little delibertion
the turn brings: Q
Sean quickly fires 4,000 and Joanne quickly calls...hmmmmmm
river: the case K
(i had folded the other K even though it was suited up for war with the 6c--i have that kind of discipline)
Sean announces "I'm all in"
Joanne beats him in the pot "i call!"
Sean flips up KK, thats a nice hand, Kings full
Joanne reveals 88 for your standard flopped quads, eliminating Sean from the game
holy four-of-a-kind-batman wtf is goin on here??!! 2 quads in one night? we havent seen quads in forever and now we get them twice in roughly an hour!!??
but what night would be complete without a dosing of the good doctor, John the fag.
within 5 minutes of Joanne's quads a pot develops involving yours truly and Johnny boy. i limped in EP after Eitan limped UTG. three to my left is John who pops it to 1700. i think the blinds were 150/300 at this point. Bill cant resist seeing any flop so he calls the 1700 and i complete with another 1400 and 3 of us are in.
the flop: Q-T-T
Bill checks, i look at John and wait about 10 secs (hoping to make it look like im contemplating a move) and check.
John bets, Bill looks at me, i smile, and he eventually folds. i raise another 2500 which John calls. turn: T
i bet 4000, John announces all-in. i call and show TsJs. Mt. St. Veltheer goes into a mini-eruption and is obviously not too happy and flips over AA
the river is academic as i get the double up. John who had virtually eliminated Jane early with Quads was now on the receiving end of the same medicine.
this still left us at 8 players but there were 2 or 3 shorties hanging around looking for a spot to make a move.
it wouldnt happen for George though as he finally found a premium hand in JJ, raised it up and heard Alex say "ill put you all in". George obliged, tossed in the rest of his paltry stack and saw he was up against AK of spades. the "special Ace" would prove to be George's demise as it found a partner on the flop in the form of the Ace of Diamonds. George, who arrived pretty baked, exited quietly without putting up much of a fight on the night.
between George's exit and the next player to leave, Eitan, an interesting hand took place.
i was UTG with the blinds at 300/600/50. i looked down at KK and made a standard raise to 2000. of course, 4 others called and we all bunkered down for the fireworks.
the flop: 2h-3c-4h pretty nice for KK but with 5 people seeing the flop?
Eitan was in the BB and immediately shot out 5,000 into the ~10,000 pot. now, i didnt particularly like the BB coming out with a bullet here because he could pretty much have any 2 cards as he was getting 4.5:1 preflop to call. with a little deliberation i decided "fcuk it" and i folded my Kings. it folded around to Bill and he says "im all in"...i felt happy all of a sudden! Eitan called and when we saw the cards Bill had flopped a straight with Ah5h and a str8 flush redraw. Eitan also had a quality hand in a set of 2s. Bill made his flush on the turn and a blank on the river doubled Bill up and severely hurt Eitans stack.
folding Kings aint easy and i dont remember the last time i did it on a 4-high flop but when your spider senses start tingling you gotta fold 'em.
Eitan would leave us next when he jammed KJ into John's AK and the AK held up.
The Professor had a disappointing game. you could probably count the number of hands he played on your 10 fingers and still have a few fingers left to nibble some food. he didnt get any cards on the night, he was frustrtaed by the end of it and hoped he could find some magic when he chose to gamble vs 2 others. Joanne raised to 5,000, Bill called and The Professor went all-in for another 200 chips.
the flop" 2-6-2
Joanne checked, Bill checked
turn: Q
Joanne bet 5,000, Bill thought about it and folded his K-high flush draw (good fold Bill)
Joanne showed a flopped boat with 66 and The Professor was drawing dead
Bill would have made his flush on the river too...good thing his spider senses were working.
that KK hand i had was absolutely, positively the last quality hand i was dealt until the very end. my stack was essentially being blinded away and i hadnt won a pot in quite a while. with the blinds at 500/1000/100 i looked down at AcQc and pulled a John V and jammed it preflop. of course, the cardrack, Joanne had KK and took me down. Joanne was definitely making a lot of hands on the night, she knocked out 3 players and played pretty well too. i was out in 5th after a promising start that i didnt take advantage of.
down to 4, John, Joanne, Bill and Alex fought each other back and forth until finally a confrontation of massive consequences developed.
Bill, UTG, raised JJ to a standard 3xBB. Alex had a very healthy stack and jammed 50,000+ more into the pot. Bill quickly called and we had a race ladies and gentlemen!
the board came: x-x-x-x-x without the necessary A or K to keep Frenchie alive. would you rather go out first or bubble Frenchie wondered aloud before leaving...pick your poison, they both suck.
3 handed play was aggressive and not very flop friendly as much of the preflop raises were not being challenged. Joanne was a massive chip leader early on and throughout most the night but somehow found herself 2nd to Bill and only slightly ahead of the John when she was paid a visit by the poker demon known as the god-damned-f&*^%!-river.
first she called John's preflop all-in and produced AT vs John's As5s. here is what happened:
suckout Johnny strikes again....or is that for the first time ever?
whatever the case Joanne was crushed and within a few hands she jammed with K5 only to be called by Bill who only had to call 3,500 more with J9.
the board showed: K-3-9-T-9
on the river twice in a row! where else would it come?
finally we were heads up with both John and Bill pretty much even. a deal was made to each take $300 and play for the remaining $70 and the notariety that comes with being a DEEPStack champion.
back and forth they went until the final hand of the night. both players were dealt quality hands so it was no wonder why all the chips went in after the flop.
Bill had 3-2
John had 8-4 (suited mind you)
the flop was 4-x-4
after John checked Bill shoved it all-in and John called. Bill didnt make a miracle straight and finally John took down a DEEPStack joining the cream of the crop in the FCPC. he texted me he would blog the experience so hopefully he doesnt go back on his word...fag.
Congrats to John, he played well after the devastating QUAD blow and never gave up. mind you, he did get AA 5 times, KK 3 times and QQ and 55 once.
this took a long time to write...im out.
Thursday, March 13, 2008
DEEPStack this Friday

Monday, March 10, 2008
How about that, i won again
first off lemme say that the FCPC site is currently not allowing me to edit anything, i dont know why. ive tried about 15 times to edit the home page with no luck. hopefully it sorts itself out soon.
i won! i am so good it boggles my mind why i dont move to vegas and turn pro.
seriously though, we had a good game on friday that lasted quite a while considering the game and turnout. we played our 11-max $50 "Mystery Bounty" game where there are 2 bounties playing at the table except noone knows who the bounties are. this game creates a bit, and i mean a bit, of excitement because when you get knocked out you must check the 2 seat cards to see if you are one of the bounties. if you are then the person who cracked you gets a $50 reward. we've done this game twice now and its been well recieved both times by whoever has played in it.
this week the bounties ended up being Julia and Bob. i was fortunate enough to destroy Bob with my As5s vs his A7. even though the door card was the 7s i ended up flushing on the river and a perplexed Bob had to leave the table. i think Bob didnt see the flush hit and wondered out loud "im out...huh?" Bob had mentioned numerous times how bad his cards were and he probably felt a bit ripped off because he didnt play many hands and when he did he never made anything, heck he wasnt even dealt a pocket pair in over 4 hours of play!
sucks to be Bob.
Julia was shown the door by Steve, 240s brother. Steve collected the $50 bounty on Julia and would eventually make it heads with me (with a big chip advantage) and i utterly destroyed him...hehe sucker.
key hands for me included the knockout of Bob. if i lose that hand i am in pretty bad shape chipwise and i probably dont win. in that hand Bob was in the BB and short stacked so i butt-raised enough to commit his stack. my A5 spades found a way to take down his A7 and i was healthy enough to make a few plays.
early on with 100/200 blinds i had KK UTG+1 and limped. Matt raised in MP or on the button (i forget) to 600. 2 players called before it got back to me and i re-banged it to 3000. Matt called with AQ and Julia called with JJ.
the flop came 9 high and i fired out 6000 into ~9800, leaving myself roughly 4,000 behind. Matt folded after a bit of thought and Julia was on the verge of calling, she had the chips in her hand! but finally decided to fold her JJ face up. that was a nice hand to win as it got me into or near the chip lead quite early. having that many chips early allows me to speculate with trash far more often than i normally would with an average sized stack.
it took about 2.5-3 hours to lose out first player, Kent. after that about another hour to lose player #2. we started at 7:15ish and finished a few minutes after 12am. i had a big babysitter bill but that was somewhat tempered by my Last Longer Bet with Dr Homo for $40.
by the way, lets all get John to start blogging about his exploits at the FCPC. he never blogs about it and i know we would all love to hear what he has to say about the "ridiculous play" and "donkey-ness". he often complains about how bad his beats are, you know, getting it all in with QQ only to lose to 55. he has some classic rants like this one: "categorically Alex you are the worst player in the history of poker" and "why do i come to this f'n place?!" and of course "c'mon fishcakes {insert derogatory comment here}"
personlly, i would love to read about his experiences here.
more to come...
Sunday, March 02, 2008
The Aftermath and a Rant
there is one common complaint from people about the play at the FCPC and it confuses me at times. if its not "the players are horrible!" then its "the players are terrible!" and if neither of those are heard then it is something close to that. "I HATE THIS PLACE!"
why do people say that?
are the players here really that bad? do we make more obvious mistakes than anyone at the local casino would make? do we make plays that are that much worse than the average donkey online?
i dont think so. as a matter of fact i believe that the play at the FCPC resembles the play you would see at many casino tables with the exception of higher stakes games ($5/$10 or higher). some of it is good and some of it is bad but most of it you wouldnt see any problem with.
the only thing that really bothers me about the comments are that they mainly come from our "good players" who will routinely make the same mistakes that they berate others about. ive seen it many times in the years we've been playing. someone will check-call with AK out of position after a T-T-5 board, hit a pair on the turn and end up winning a healthy pot. the "good player" who lost the hand will then rant about how "AK is gold" and how "noone here can fold AK" blah blah blah....then 2 weeks later he will do the same thing and have a rational explanation for his "play"
you know, its an expert play.
rarely will you hear "nice hand" or "you got me, well played" because one's ego is on the line. "there is no way im gonna tell that donkey he outplayed me or that he had a nice hand. but when he rivers me he will hear what i have to say."
i think its time to accept the fact there are no experts playing here, no pros, no high stakes winners but certainly a lot of average players playing their game. there is no perfect way to play this game and there are many players out there that will let you know that.
Friday, February 29, 2008
Full tables tonight
1st $400
2nd $200
3rd $110
4th $50
i am predicting a top 7 finish for myself. lol, is that any good? poker is rigged anyway so ill probably win.
Monday, February 25, 2008
$10 + $5 Rebuy Madness
the winner on the night was this guy, Jonny. he was able to find a way to survive the madness and chip away when heads-up to secure his first FCPC title. i dont have a picture of Jonny but ill find one on the internet and post it later.
the night had its share of chip leaders that is for sure. when we hit the final 10 i dont know who was ahead but it didnt take long for Julia, a new-comer to the game, to start rolling. she was betting betting betting and winning winning winning virtually every pot she entered. when we found ourselves with 7 players left she was quite a ways aghead of 2nd place...then the wheels fell off...she wouldnt be the first chipleader to lose it all.
yours truly took a few chunks out of her stack then finished her off when my AQ nailed and Ace on the flop and sent her JJ to the rail. that pot gave me an enourmous stack and i think i thought getting into the money was a formality. at one point i counted ~110,000TC with just 5 players left.
the bubble boy ended up being me thanks to one lost race and one decision afew people questioned but one i feel alright about. first, i had a chance to knock Jonny out with AQ vs his 99 all-in preflop. i did not improve so he was able to double through me and sit comfortably again. a short while later i was involved in my final hand:
blinds at 2,000/4,000 i raise UTG to 15,000 holding 77. Matt, Jonny's friend, re-raises to 40,000 on the button and it folds back to me. now i remember thinking quite a bit before calling him here. the more i thought about all the possibilities i had to give him credit for AK or AQ, perhas a bigger pocket pair but that was mathematically unlikely. the reason i called was because if i saw a favourable flop i could jam it and get 2 overcards to fold.
the flop came Jd 9c 6c
the first thing i thought was "this aint bad, AK and AQ have missed. any pocket below Tens (if he indeed had a pair) would have a big decision to make if i jam here. what are the chances he has a Jack, not likely if he re-raises preflop"
so i announced all-in! and he called pretty damn quick...fcuk
i knew i was toast when i flipped over my hand and i was a bit surprised to see him table AcJc only because of the preflop play. he certainly wasnt gonna fold after he nailed the flop as good as one could expect. i was done in 5th, i bubbled and got some "what were you doing remarks?" afterwards. i tried to explain why i did what i did but apparently 77 is an auto fold preflop there.
i suppose i could have gone all-in preflop and given him a decision but the both of us would have looked like retards for overplaying our hands. im sure he would have called too because after the reraise he was pot committed.
is AJ 5-handed worth losing your stack with preflop? is 77 worth it? i dont know but the way the hand was played he could only call the all-in if he hit a pair and he did. thats poker.
final results can be found on the FCPC site
see you next friday!
Saturday, February 16, 2008
DEEPStack 12 Results
lets see a picture of my beautiful face :

Friday, February 15, 2008
DEEPStack 12 Preview
normally we will hold the game to a max of 10, sometimes 11 players. tonight i thought we could beef up the game by expanding it to 16 players and it sold out pretty quick. at this time we only have 15 (someone got too sick to play) and are currently working on finding a 16th, we'll see.
payouts for 15 players will be:
1. $630
2. $280
3. $180
4. $ 90
the lineup includes a number of people who do not regularly come out to the games so i am having a hard time handicapping this one. Ryan, a non-regular lurker is coming with a friend who has never been, Julia is coming to only her 2nd game and Bob's friend Niall is giving our game another try, we see him roughly every 6 weeks. with a couple wildcard retards playing (him and him) you can understand why this is going to be probably my worst predictions ever.
having said all this lets have a look at the lineup:
simon dave john jane ryan paul bob niall
sean eitan julia grant cathy kent george
all the names in bold are those that the "Magic Dice" have predicted will make the final table. i guess ill go ahead and predict who of these people will win and who will finish in 10th. althought these predictions are not going to be all that close, the "Magic Dice" has told me you can take 4 of the predicted finishes to the bank
1. George
2. Simon
3. John
4. Dave
5. Eitan
6. Sean
7. Julia
8. Jane
9. Bob
10. Kent
comments always welcome, trash talk is encouraged
Sunday, February 10, 2008
Omaha Results
one pair on a semi-coordinated flop with flush and straight draws is usually not gonna hold. who you are playing against matters, will they fold top 2? will they call a pot bet holding nut or 2nd nut draws? simply shoving more money into the pot expecting your opponent will fold is a risky play.
we saw boats lose to bigger boats and of course we saw people chasing flushes on paired boards lose to flopped full houses. thats omaha right?
the predictions from the previous post have to be altered a bit since we had one cancellation. here are the revised predictions followed by the actual finish:
1. Eitan - finished 7th
2. Jonny - finished 2nd just as i predicted
3. Milner - finished 3rd just as i predicted
4. Bill - finished 5th, so close
5. Eman - finished 4th, so close
6. Simon - finished 6th just as i predicted
7. Sean - finished 8th
8. Grant - got credit for the win with a slight chip advantage heads up. unbelieveable he didnt go out first
3/8 aint bad as far as figuring out where people would end up. if Grant and Eitan had flipped-flopped results i would have had a remarkably good record this week.
certainly we will do it again only because i absolutely loved the chips we played with. Jonny owns them and it takes a game of omaha to get him out to play.

Monday, February 04, 2008
Omatards in Action
here is the lineup for the Omaha game in order of predicted finish:
1. Eitan - on a roll and he is turning into a solid player with some impressive results. lucky jew!
2. Jonny - omaha is his specialty so i expect a good finish
3. Milner - i really hope he cashes, he deserves it. early big stack turns into 3rd place
4. Bill - Omaha? whats that? why do i have 4 cards? i have trip 5s and an Ace...im all in!!
5. Eman - prove me wrong butt-munch!
6. John - retards! blah blah blah...i hate this place! more blah...why cant you ever fold?! blah
7. Simon - im on a seriously disgusting run and Omaha wont be my saviour. i suck
8. Sean - re-raises from the BB with JJxx and cant lay it down on a 6 high board
9. Grant - i dont know why but he has no luck. someone will draw out on his flopped monster
i rolled the dice to get these predictions but the comments, pure gold, are courtesy of me
see you friday
Saturday, January 26, 2008
Greek Squad

ok, so let's recap the actual order of finish, (the order i predicted), and the "Magic Dice":
1. Eman (9) "7"
2. Cathy (7) "5"
3. Eitan (3) "1"
4. Jane (8) "8"
5. Simon (1) "12"
6. Bill (2) "6"
7. Bob (11) "2"
8. 240 (10) "4"
9. Kent (5) "3"
10. Sean (4) "11"
11. John (6) "9"
i apologize to the following for not giving you enough respect...Eman, Cathy, Jane, Bob and 240.
i expected more from these folks and am disappointed by how they played...Bill, Kent, Sean & John.
the game started out with a bang! On the 8th hand we had our first casualty when John checked-shoved a 4s 6s 9h flop. Eman earlier in the hand check-raised Kent's flop bet only to see John make his move. Eman knew he was up against a draw but did eventually make the all-in call with the nuts, pocket 9s. John tabled 2s 3s and the board came brick-brick for John and Eman virtually doubled up right out of the chute. John expired in 11th
a little while later Sean took his pockets 7s up against Bill who (i think) flopped top pair and called the all-in. i didnt actually see the hand so i dont know the way it played out. if i am wrong ill make the change later. Sean exited in 10th
it took some time before we lost our next player. Kent engaged in some butt-play with AK but Eman who had limped UTG with pocket 10s re-popped him to virtually put Kent all-in and of course he called. the flop came out with a 10 and when a Q hit the turn Kent was looking for some river love but no J arrived. Kent was out in 9th
240 was nursing the short stack for a while but managed to hang in there for quite a well. eventually 240 shoved in all-in with A9 but was called down by Eitan and his AT. the board came A-2-5-2-brick and the nicest man on the planet was mortally wounded in 8th.
after 240's exit the next 3 players went out in quick succession.
Bob was eliminated by someone (i forget who sniped him)
Bill's K9 was terminated by Simon's JT
Simon was rudely shown the door shortly afterwards when his AT did not improve vs Eman's AQ. Simon will not invite Eman to his next birthday party.
Jane took the bubble honour in the only bad beat Eman laid on someone. in a battle on the blinds the flop came out A-J-brick. Eman came out firing with his J4 thinking Jane would have raise preflop with an Ace. When Jane announced "all-in" Eman was confused but figured his J was the best pair and made the call. he was surprised to see Jane table AT and commented on how well she played the hand but was even more surprised when a J fell on the river to send Jane to the rail. RIP Jane Quennell in 4th, bubble girl.
Eman would end up eliminating the last 4 players on the night. Simon, Jane, Eitan and Cathy.
3-handed the play was short on flops but when we did see a flop the pots were big! Cathy went on a bit of an all-in fest to accumulate chips and watched when Eitan got them all-in with pocket 7s. Eman had a relatively easy call with pocket 10s and hit a needless 10 on the river to secure a 3rd place finish. for Eitan. Simon correctly predicted a 3rd place finish for Eitan so that means Simon is a poker genius.
Heads-up Eman had roughly 75% of the chips vs Cathy and they played for about 20 minutes before the final confrontation occurred. Cathy put her life on the line with A6 but Eman quickly called with AJ. when a J hit the flop it looked bleak for Cathy. however the turn gave her an out for the straight but it didnt show up. Cathy took home another top 3 finish.
all in all it was a good night even though it took a while to finish. i was dog tired at the end of it all and didnt get to sleep in either! see you all next time
Friday, January 25, 2008
The "Magic Dice"
Here is how it will work: i will randomly pick a name from the lineup and toss a set of non-magic dice. whatever number appears will be associated with that player. i will do this for all 10 or 11 players. then i will roll the "Magic Dice" to see where thay think everyone will place. the first number i roll will be the last place finisher and i will continue until the "Magic Dice" reveals its indisputable prediction. anyone who chooses to argue with the results of the "Magic Dice" will unknowingly have a curse placed upon him/her, so i suggest you just accept your fate.
having said all this, here are the reults of the "Magic Dice"
the number associated with each player came out like this:
simon 8
eman 5
john 9
eitan 2
bill 6
sean 4
jane 10
cathy 7
bob 3
kent 12
240 11
the order of finish according to the "Magic Dice"
1. eitan
2. bob
3. kent
4. 240
5. cathy
6. bill
7. eman
8. jane
9. john
10. sean
11. simon
hmmm, well....i guess they might be broken but let's see what happens
Wednesday, January 23, 2008
DEEPStack 11 Preview
im going to preview the players and give my predictions on who will be in the money. some of the trash talk here will be sarcastic, some will be fact-based real stuff and the rest will be fantasy...you can decide what is what
first, the lineup:
john v
second, the order of finish
1. simon - no surprise really. the most talented poker player in the group should handily walk away from this game with his 2nd DEEPStack series victory and 3rd 1st place (one was chopped with Eman). unless i get involved with someone trying to make a donkish move on me and somehow gets lucky in the hand, my spewage of chips will be minimzed. blessed with an uncanny ability to read the pulse of most of the people in our group, i can see myself winning probably the first 6 or 7 pots i enter without much resistance. after all, who wants to get involved in any hands with someone who can use x-ray vision to view the beating of his/her heart? if i sense a flutter or irregular beat in your breathing i will jump all over it and put you to the test by saying those four special words..."im all in fag!"
everyone else is playing for 2nd place
2. bill - bill is a lucky mofo who is on an incredible run right now. i had a dream last night that bill was following his usual strategy of playing 120% of the hands dealt to him. every hand is a potential winner according to bill so why not give them all a try? if bill doesnt lose his stack in the first hour he will have a comfortable enough stack to cruise into the top 3. he will finish in 2nd after limping in with K4 suited, then calling the 2nd preflop raise cold, he will flop a King and get it all in vs AK and go runner-runner flush to crush the hopes and dreams of our 3rd place finisher
3. eitan - he will go ballistic after bill pops him in the goolies with the K4 suited. a speech containing the deficiencies in bill's game will ensue and an silent volcano will erupt deep within the belly of our resident jew. without outwardly critisizing his opponents play too much, eitan will get his point across with short, pointed barbs that cut like a knife...and then we will see him the following week. its about time eitan finishes in the money so he really should feel good about this result.
the rest:
4. sean - gets it all in "with the best hand preflop" but loses
5. kent- back from his self-imposed exile, kent leaves a lot of wreckage behind him as he puzzles his dejected opponents with his choice of starting hands.
6. john v - standard huge stack 20 minutes in then he slowly pisses it all away with top pair no kicker after preflop raising it up with Kx, Jx and Ax. "TOP PAIR IS GOLD AT THE FCPC AND I HATE THIS F'N PLACE!"
7. cathy - takes a bad beat from sean and bows out after playing 5% of the hands she gets dealt
8. jane - her marvelous run of late comes to screeching halt when her aces gets ravaged by john's 55 all in preflop
9. eman - simon takes care of him early when he tries to run an unimproved 67 suited by simon's 35 of diamonds on a 58A flop. Eman cont bets the flop but simon's x-ray vision foils all attempts to be bluffed. getting invlolved in a big pot with simon is foolish so this is noone's fault but eman's
10. 240 - this is a standard finish for 240 who's new baby has forced him to attend only select FCPC events. he wont get any cards but wont complain. when he does get a premium hand he jams and gets called by someone with one overcard to his pair and it hits on the turn
11. bob - sorry bob, but your time has come, you will be uttlerly destroyed by everyone you tangle with. y0u wont win a pot and you'll be home in time to catch the soft-core porn on showcase
Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Let's get this thing going
i am by far the best player in the FCPC and i plan to destroy all those who dare to challenge that fact.
peace out and werd up!