one pair on a semi-coordinated flop with flush and straight draws is usually not gonna hold. who you are playing against matters, will they fold top 2? will they call a pot bet holding nut or 2nd nut draws? simply shoving more money into the pot expecting your opponent will fold is a risky play.
we saw boats lose to bigger boats and of course we saw people chasing flushes on paired boards lose to flopped full houses. thats omaha right?
the predictions from the previous post have to be altered a bit since we had one cancellation. here are the revised predictions followed by the actual finish:
1. Eitan - finished 7th
2. Jonny - finished 2nd just as i predicted
3. Milner - finished 3rd just as i predicted
4. Bill - finished 5th, so close
5. Eman - finished 4th, so close
6. Simon - finished 6th just as i predicted
7. Sean - finished 8th
8. Grant - got credit for the win with a slight chip advantage heads up. unbelieveable he didnt go out first
3/8 aint bad as far as figuring out where people would end up. if Grant and Eitan had flipped-flopped results i would have had a remarkably good record this week.
certainly we will do it again only because i absolutely loved the chips we played with. Jonny owns them and it takes a game of omaha to get him out to play.

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